Monday, 15 April 2013

The best is yet to come by Nina Nolte

While looking for some Coachella 2013 outfits today I came across these beautiful vibrant paintings by Nina Nolte from her 'The Best is yet to Come' series.  In the series, the German artist captured glorious poolside summer days featuring pale women clad in vibrant turbans and swimwear casually smoking, drinking and wadding in the pool. 

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 photo NinaNolte7_zpsb8892049.png photo NinaNolte8_zps0fa0c3bd.png photo NinaNolte_zps87984478.jpg photo NinaNolte6_zpsc5cb805d.png photo NinaNolte14_zpsfcb0df44.jpg photo ninanoltethebestisyettocome_zpsc6e516d2.png photo ninanoltethebestisyettocome_zps35334d5e.jpg photo ninanolte_zps611e3591.jpg photo NinaNolte10_zps04d17c48.jpg

